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Alberto Pavese

Professore associato
Dipartimento di Meccanica Strutturale
Via Ferrata, 1 - 27100 Pavia
Sito internethttp://www.eucentre.it/
Orari di ricevimentoDal lunedì al venerdì dalle 10.45 alle 11.15

Corsi a.a. 2011/12:
Progetto di strutture in zona sismica
Structural engineering
Structure mechanics



Pampanin, S., Bolognini, D., Pavese, A., "Performance-based Seismic Retrofit Strategy for Existing Reinforced Concrete Frame Systems using FRP composites" ASCE, Special Issue (in preparazione)

Calvi, G.M., Pavese, A., Rasulo, A., Bolognini, D., [2005], Experimental and Numerical Studies on the Seismic Response of R.C. Hollow Bridge Piers, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering Volume 3, Number 3, pp 267 - 297

Calvi G.M, Pampanin, S., Pavese, A. , Bolognini, D., [2005], “Seismic retrofitting Strategy for Under-designed RC Frame Systems Using FRP Composites”, Proc. International Workshop on Seismic Performance Assessment and Rehabilitation of Existing Buildings, Ispra, Italia

Calvi, G.M., Pavese, A., Ceresa, P., Dacarro F., Lai, C.G., Beltrami, C. [2005], Design of a Large-scale dynamic and pseudo-dynamic testing facility, Scientific Report, IUSS Press, Pavia, Italy

Pavese, A., Petrini, L., Nascimbene, R., Mpampatsikos, V. [2005], “The new Italian code for existing buildings: critical application to real cases”, ACI Spring Convention, New York City, US

Sullivan, T., Pinho, R., Pavese, A., An Introduction to Structural Testing Techniques in Earthquake Engineering, Research report, Iusspress

Pampanin, S., Bolognini, D., Pavese, A., Magenes, G., Calvi G.M, [2004], “Multi-level Seismic Rehabilitation of Existing Frame Systems and Subassemblies using FRP composites”, Proc 2nd Intnl Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE2004), Adelaide, Australia

Peloso, S., Pavese, A., Bolognini, D., [2004], FRP seismic retrofit of R.C. square hollow section bridge piers, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 8, Special Issue No. 1